“To these people, my universe offers them a simple, warm, fun, and happy place...It’s Lo-Fi art with a Hi-Def message.”
-Coolman Coffeedan
As a kid, I was forever drawing. I wasn’t particularly academic or interested in school work so I passed the time by doodling and letting my hand lead the way. I quickly learned that the characters I created could express other peoples’ feelings and ideas. Drawing became my escape. It unlocked me from the awkward social dynamic called “school-life” and it quickly became my social currency. I wasn’t just the geeky loner anymore, but also the guy that tells stories, draws cool characters, and the guy that could make people smile.

Today, I draw for a living. I draw things that my younger self would have benefitted from seeing. I learned to turn my weaknesses into strengths. I’m open to sharing that and I hope that others are inspired by it. I sometimes refer to myself as a ‘Bad Animator’. Not to be self-deprecating, but more to highlight that the message within is more important than the animation itself. My past showed me that true human connection is deeply rewarding and especially helpful to those who feel alone, vulnerable, or out of place at times. The characters I draw, and their stories communicate simple messages of love and support, delivered in non-human form. After all, it’s much easier to listen to a message when a tiny creature is delivering it!

I want to make people feel better about themselves and their environment. I want what I do to instill a sense of relaxed fun and calm in my audience, to give them a simple smile and a moment of relaxation from this hectic and complicated world. Everything I do should be an extension of this core belief. From the stories I tell to the books I publish, to the clothing I develop, to the NFTs I create - I want everything to be joined up and to communicate the same message. In the not-too-distant future, I want my brand to be a household name in the way of The Simpsons, Adventure Time, or Hello Kitty. The reason I want this is simple; this level of acclaim will mean that I have achieved my ultimate goal – to put a smile on as many faces as possible.
Stay tuned as I delve into the NFT space with Coolman's Universe. It's going to be epic. Also, you can find links to my socials and more about me at www.coolmancoffeedan.com.